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Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition (Round 1)

Date: 13/03/2023

On 13 March 2023, our English Debate Team members Ping Yu Xin (3M), Sun Amy (3M) and Chan Yat Long (4A) joined a competition session of the Hong Kong Secondary Schools Debating Competition as the affirmative side against CNEC Christian College on the motion ‘This house would abandon all tourism-related economic strategies’. Our team picked up a win, having put in a lot of effort into preparing for the competition. 


The winning team was among a group of S3 to S4 students who have joined the English debating training program organized by the English Department, with the goal of sharpening their speaking skills and boosting their critical thinking skills. In the program, students have been guided by a professional award-winning debating coach and have learnt a lot about how to analyse a debate motion and develop convincing arguments. 


Once again, congratulations to the winning team!  
